Why join Bodkin Yacht Club (BYC)? It is the BEST Yacht Club on the Chesapeake, hands down! Located on Bodkin Creek, BYC has a beautiful clubhouse, protected deep water slips and fun for your family and friends! Our annual calendar of social events has something for everyone, from the most well-attended Opening Weekend on the Bay to annual Club Cruises to our Commodore’s Ball, we’ll keep you entertained all year long!  

BYC has three types of Membership, so we have the right fit for you. You can join as a Regular, Associate, or Social Member. We are a working Club, which is how we keep your membership fees low. All of the work done to keep our Club so beautiful is done by Regular Members, Associate Members, and Social Members who joined after January 2023. Social Members who joined before January 2023 do not have work requirements, but many do volunteer to help keep the Club beautiful and safe, and to feel the same pride of ownership that working Members feel.

Our club features lots of parking and an access road to the docks makes loading and unloading your boat easy as can be. We have a pump out station on premises and members receive a discount on gas and diesel at a nearby marina. And don’t forget our floating pool! It’s fun for the entire family! All of our members have access to the Clubhouse 24/7. And our well-maintained docks are ready for your sail or power boat.

What’s the best type of membership for you and your family?

  1. Regular Members pay the full Membership fee, enjoy full use of the Club, occupy one of our 68 slips, vote on Club business and help with maintenance.
  2. Associate Members pay a reduced membership fee, enjoy full use of the Club, occupy a slip on a limited basis, vote on Club business and help with maintenance.
  3. Social Members pay a reduced membership fee and enjoy full use of the Club.

For more information about membership or to apply for membership, please contact the Membership Chairperson directly at bycmembership1@gmail.com. Join BYC’s family today!

Membership Procedure

1. Complete the application form and submit your check. Your application must be 100% complete, and your check must include the one-time initiation fee and $275.00 dues.
2. Your application is posted on the BYC bulletin board for 30 days and BYC deposits your check.
3. You will be introduced to the Bridge and Board of Governors at the first BOG meeting following the initial 30 days. BOG meetings are the
last Friday of each month.
4. At the following General Member Meeting we introduce you to BYC members; applicant becomes a probationary member. GMM’s
are first Friday of each month.
NOTE: The 30 day period does not begin until the application and check are correctly completed and received. Please follow up with the
Membership Chairman to confirm when your 30 day period begins. Make check payable to Bodkin Yacht Club. Address: 8091 Belhaven Ave,
Pasadena, MD 21122.